Sunday, June 30, 2024


Another hot day. The temperatures are suppose to stay up for the entire week. You would think we would be used to it by now, but there is no getting used to this. I did see a pretty yellow butterfly on a pretty yellow flower. 

The goats were hanging out in the barn out of the sunshine. I am glad they are smart enough to stay out of the sun. 

Willow was braying and hollering at Ronnie earlier. She sees him and goes crazy. It is so funny. She has the attitude of a 13 year old girl. She is a sassy one. 

Bill and Ted are so funny. They have their own bowls and they go to their own bowls on instinct. It amazes me how smart they are. 

Pepper and Maggie were not really enjoying the wind and the sun, but they endured it anyway. We did not have any of the dogs out there long. 

The animals are all doing well. When I start to worry, I hear my friend say, those animals have done this for thousands of years without our help, so why do we worry. She has a farm also. 

The dogs were really ready to go inside. I was also. 

Athena and Onyx were home this evening. I was looking for Yeller, but didn’t see him. Then a heard a cat meowing from across the pasture and my heart jumped out of my chest for a minute, Jelly used to do that to let us know he was coming. It wasn’t Jelly though, it was Yeller. I guess he taught Yeller that trick. I did get to love on him and cuddle him. He tried desperately to get in the house, but that’s not going to happen. 

I also had wondered if I was throwing out chicken feed for no reason, but they are waiting until it gets cooler out to go over there to eat. 

Bubba is looking so miserable. I may have to make a decision this week. 

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