Thursday, June 6, 2024


I can see in part why some of our plants are dying. I watched Luna and her babies actually in the pots with the plants. I am sure they were using the dirt for dirt baths, but those plants are dying. 

It was such a hot day, the donkeys were taking shelter under the trees. I cannot say I blame them. I know I did not want to be out there. Since the donkeys are desert animals, they can handle the heat better than a lot of animals. 

Bubba is still hanging in there. It is hard to watch him decline. 

The donkeys and goats did get up and get moving out into the pasture. They are resilient.

I did get to pet Snowflake today. I guess she still remembers our agreement and she did not even attempt to peck me. 

It looked like Willow was protecting Mattie as he was resting on the ground. Those two amaze me. They are so bonded, I do not think they would do well if we separated them. I am glad we do not have to. 

I sprayed the pigs down with water. They do not much like that, but it is so hot out, I knew they needed it.


I also noticed Russ had a limp. Who knows how that happened? I also noticed one of his tusks was broken. It did not seem to bother him at all which is good. I watched him eat and he seemed okay. I will keep an eye out though. He was friendly today, too. 

The sky tonight was absolutely breathtaking. The sky was blue and pink. It was gorgeous. 

The cats were all home tonight also. 

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