Thursday, June 6, 2024


I will say from now until November or so, it is hot out. We hit three digits again. I am miserable outside. I know these animals have to be also. 
Ronnie had a small procedure today so he could not help a lot tonight. He helped with the watering. That is what takes the longest. 
I saw Jelly was home already this evening. 

Daisy was much worse today with hot spots opening up. We decided to switch her food back to what she was eating before all the hot spots. I also gave her a bath with some gentle shampoo to help her with the itching. I will continue to watch her and put medicine on her. She has been miserable and restless, but after her bath and change in food, she has already calmed down. 

Ernestine was definitely mad about something today. She was off her spot, but she was puffed up and mad. She is always mad about something though. 

The baby chicks and Luna have decided to hang out in the backyard. Luna is not scared of the dogs. She runs them off. It is funny to watch, but she needs to move on to somewhere else. I am pretty sure she is using the deck to beat the sun and heat. 

The pigs are doing well. They have all been in the mud staying cool. 

Russ allowed me to pet him today. That means a lot to me. 

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