Sunday, June 9, 2024


It was another hot day, go figure. We have chosen to live in West Texas. Of course it is going to be hot.
The cats were up against the house trying to stay cool.

The hens in the shop were on edge. They were hot, but they refuse to leave due to the roosters. 

The hens in the coop were staying cool. The goats were happy to eat the chicken feed even though it was extremely hot. 

The donkeys were out in the pasture even in the heat of the day.

The sheep are struggling due to the heat. I feel so bad for them. 

The chickens in the sheep pen were hot, too, and they were digging in the dirt to stay cool. I know it is hard on all of us. The worst part is it is early in the season which makes things worse.

Two of the little goats were smart and decided to eat in the shade under the tree. 

Tinkerbelle and Cinderella I make sure to feed in the shade. It is so hot outside. 

The cows, donkeys, and horses are handling things well for as hot as it is. They know how to handle it. 

Takua was standing over by Ronnie while he was watering. He was waiting on Ronnie to start spraying him. He seemed to enjoy it when Ronnie finally did start to spray him.

The sheep did decide to stay under the fan for a few minutes because it is so hot. I mean, I know it cannot help much since that fan is blowing hot air, literally. 

The horses are all doing well. Jeb’s cut look like it is healing. 

The sheep did not did not eat all their hay this morning, that is how I know they are not handling the heat as well as I would like. 

The pigs are taking advantage of their mud holes to stay cool. I am glad they have those mud holes to help them through the heat. 

Russ is still limping a bit. I touched the injured leg and that pig growled at me like a dog. I let go quickly. He would not normally do that, so I know that leg has to be hurting him. 

I also sprayed all the pigs to cool them off. They do not particularly like that, but it makes me feel better to know I tried to cool them off in this heat. They might as well get used to it. 

Luna and her baby chicks are doing well. The chicks are growing fast. 

The night sky was spectacular tonight. It has all kinds of colors in the sky and the moon was just a sliver above the colors. 

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