Sunday, June 16, 2024


I got to get close to the donkeys and goats today. I do not know why, but none of them really wanted any attention from me. 

Betty, the chicken, decided to steal some food from the goats. She thought she was being sneaky, but she was not sneaky enough.

The pigs are loving their mud holes. They are staying cool and as comfortable as they can with these high temperatures.

Mattie and Willow are still inseparable. It is cute to watch them. They continue to eat together every night. Noma is wanting to eat with the cows for whatever reason. 

Red did let me get close to him when I went back to turn off the water. He does love me. He even followed me around until I got out of the gate. 

Bubba wrapped his arms around me tonight. My poor baby. He is still as sweet as ever. He does still bite though, he has always done that. 

I saw Suzie Q in the cactus. I was not sure if she was sitting on eggs or trying to lay one, so I will have to check out that situation tomorrow.  

The sky sure was pretty tonight. 

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