Wednesday, June 12, 2024


This morning Jeb was out in the pasture up against the fence. He was trying to make friends with the cows across the fence. 

Jelly came out to greet me before work on Monday. He wanted to tell me bye before I left for work. I had to get out of the car several times to make sure he had gotten out of the way. 

The hens were taking their dust baths this afternoon. It was hot and humid for sure. They were cooling themselves off in the dust. 

We do have a chance of rain tonight and tomorrow. The sky does look like it could open up at any point. I hope it does. We need it. 

Athena followed me into the pasture this afternoon. She just goes wherever she wants to. That cat has no fear. 

Yeller decided to hang out in a pile of trash. I do not have any idea why he would stay in that spot, but he did look comfortable. 

Luna and her babies are doing well. They are hanging out in the back yard for some reason. They are starting to roam all over the place. 

Onyx was trying to cuddle with Pepper and then she thought better of it and moved, but stayed close to her. It was quite the sight. 

Gus was climbing the gate this evening. All the pigs were muddy, so I know they have been staying cool. 

I was able to make friends with Snowflake. She allowed me to pet her. She may not have liked it, but she allowed it. 

I did notice a ground squirrel in a hole as I was walking by a hole. I had to laugh about it. 

The Oklahoma horses are doing well. They know their way around this place these days. 

It sure was a hot one today. All the animals are doing fine. 

Bubba is hanging in there. He was giving me some attention tonight. 

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