Sunday, June 2, 2024


Luna was in the garden again with her babies. It might be cooler over there with the trees. I also did set up a water bowl for the babies since they could not get water from the bigger troughs like the other chickens. I wanted to make sure they had all they needed.

You can almost feel the heat coming off the photos I take during the day. It is so hot out. Normally we have a dry heat out here, but lately with the thunderstorms, there is a lot of humidity making things worse. 

Carlos gave me some attention today. He does not always do that. It is nice to see him up close when he does decide to allow me to pet him. 

Pedro also gave me some attention. He is still my baby. 

All the donkeys and goats were up close to the barn in the heat of the day. 

Pete even gave me attention today and actually allowed me to pet him. That’s a huge thing. 

Red let me pet on him. He usually does. 

Hercules let me pet him and he tried to eat my clothes. He is something else. 

Carlos decided to get into the barn where there was shade to cool off. I cannot blame him. It was hot outside. 

Alex is looking like he may have an eye infection starting. It is possible with all the dust we have had flying around lately. I will keep an eye on it in case he needs some medicine. 

The pigs are all doing fine with their mud holes and shade. 

Waldo and Buckwheat allowed me to pet them. They are not always the most friendly goats, but they do know me and know I am an okay person to allow to pet them. 

Noma was in a mood today. She was mad at Willow and Mattie and she let it be known with those ears back ready to attack. I walked away from whatever was going on there. 

Ursula did not like the thunderstorm that came in the middle of the night. I woke up with her wrapped around my head on my pillow with her poor little heartbeat going fast. I felt bad for her. She had to get off my head though. 

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