Saturday, June 1, 2024


Mattie’s Mountain had a lot going on today. We had some teenagers here to do volunteer hours for college. Those girls got so much completed. We cleaned water troughs, put up new sunshades, found a clutch of eggs we did not know were there, did some gardening, cleaned out the pig pen, cleaned out the shop and cleaned up some trash around the property. The girls even found time to love on some animals. And it was 102 degrees today. They did such a great job. 

We also had some visitors who wanted to come out and see the animals. They had been here before but wanted to see Willow. It was a good time. They got to feed some goats and the animals gave them lots of attention. They were interested in the animals and I got to tell some of their stories. I do like to tell people where these animals came from and the stories they hold. I hope to see them again. I am sure they will be back. 

One of my close friends also came by to see the sheep. Those two are her favorite and she loves to love on them. They are pretty great. Happy all the time and you know what they say about happiness, it is contagious. 

And the sister to one of the girls here getting hours came out to see the animals. She loves them. She was able to spray the horses due to the hot weather and the horses were happy about it. 

I was so tired after all of that, I was sunburned and needed a nap. I took that nap. Ursula decided to nap with me and for some reason needed to be on my pillow beside me to do that. She is precious and I am glad she lives here. 

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