Saturday, June 29, 2024


As I walked out this morning, I saw Oden at the water bowl in the front yard. He looked awful. He had been in a fight and it was a bad fight. I did not know who he was in a fight with yet. 

The morning was beautiful and cool. I wish it would stay that way, but we all know it won’t. 

I saw the craziest thing in town this afternoon. As I was going to a patient’s house, I saw a horse with construction cones around him to make sure he did not get hit by a car. As I drove closer, and slowly, I did see the horse was tied up. What a crazy thing to see. I did not expect to see that, ever. 

Oreo was cute this afternoon with rolling around and showing me his stomach. that is a sign of trust for a cat to show a human their belly. He is not a trusting cat,  so that is a big thing for Oreo. 

Ronnie had to put something in the shop to block an opening in the shop to block an opening to keep the roosters out and protect the hens in the shop. The cats used that opening to go in and out also. I watched Athena struggling to get out of the shop. I watched her with interest. Athena did manage to get out of the shop and unharmed. 

I found the other rooster who was beat up. Look alike is that rooster’s name. He looked worse than Oden. Oh, how I hate this part of the farm.

Me and these hens who are staying in the cactus are about to fight. I get beat up by the hen and come away with cactus needles all over me. None of that is fun. 

The pigs looked like they were enjoying the day. They were waiting for food. They are funny animals. 

A few of the shop hens have decided to leave the shop. I looked all over for Ernestine. I did find her roosting in the sheep barn with the other chickens. I was glad she was okay. I was also glad to see her out of there. It is too hot in the shop at this time.

I did get some love and attention from the sheep, the goats, and Mattie this evening. 

The pasture animals were enjoying the green grass. 

Willow was enjoying the new hay bale Ronnie put out. The other animals followed her over to get some hay also. 

The animals all seem to be hanging in there with the summer weather that is in the air. They are definitely doing better than I am with the heat. 
Onyx sure loves Pepper for some reasons. She keeps trying to cuddle up to Pepper, but Pepper is less than pleased about it. 

Our remaining cats were all home. It looks like Jelly is gone for good. It has been a week since I have seen him. It makes me so sad. he was a good one and will be missed. 

Oden did get up in the tree to roost, so he was feeling okay this evening. 

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