Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Bubba is hanging in there, but he looks worse every day. The problem is, he continues to jump around and act like a cat. 

The donkeys and goats were taking advantage of the cooler weather and the wind coming through. 

Rena and Annabeth were enjoying the wind in the coop. The wind does do a good job around here on warm days.

It did look like the rest of the animals were enjoying the cooler weather also. I know I was enjoying the wind today. 

I was able to spray all the pigs this evening to make sure they were cooled off. They did not run off like they normally do.

The cows and donkeys got a new hay bale. They were appreciative of the new hay bale. 

Maggie usually hates the wind, but she was enjoying it today. Pepper looked like she was liking the wind today, too. 

I did spray off Jeb today. He is really starting to like that. I looked out past Jeb and saw the hay bale Ronnie put out on Friday is almost gone already. That is madness. 

I just love Bill and Ted. Those two are always happy and they make me happy, too. They do this thing when you pet their head, their ears flop around. It is so funny.

The goats were doing fine today, too. 

Bubba did come over and cuddle with me tonight. He needed some love and affection. Poor guy. 

The baby chicks are growing up fast. They aren’t beside Luna as much as they have been. They are close but not as close as they grow and start to be more independent. It does look like we are going to have 2 or 3 out of 4 becoming roosters. Definitely not what we needed on this farm, so if anyone needs roosters, come get them. 

Still no Jelly. It’s been almost a week. I did see the gray cat which I will call Sterling just so I don’t have to say the gray cat. He slowly walked away today instead of running for his life. 

The rest of the cats were home. Yeller looks really sad. 

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