Wednesday, June 12, 2024


It was pouring like crazy outside this morning. The pasture was flooded. The backyard was flooded. There was not an animal in sight. The dogs were cold and wet. When they came inside, they huddled together to stay warm and get dry. 

Bubba is still hanging in there. 

The sunshade in the pig pen was falling down from all the rain, but the pigs were right there under that sunshade. They looked comfortable under there. 

Who says dogs and cats can’t get along? Onyx was in the backyard with the dogs while they were eating and there were no issues. 

Luna and her babies were hanging out in the garden area tonight. That is probably their favorite spot that I have seen. The chicks are getting big. 

The donkeys and goats were far out in the field, but they were enjoying it. 

I noticed when I fed the goats that Ronnie had thrown their hay into their shelter for them since it was raining. That was nice of him. 

Alex came over to take a selfie with me. I want to cuddle with him. That will not happen with those horns, but it is a good thought. 

I got to spray the horses. They were grateful for it. It was a hot and humid evening. 

Jeb’s leg is looking better. It is almost healed up. 

Takua gave me some attention also. I got a few good selfies with him. He is a big sweetheart. 

The pigs were still enjoying their mud. 

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