Monday, June 17, 2024


Our company left this morning. The rest of the day Ronnie and I relaxed. That is what we normally do on Sunday anyway. 
I did go out to check on the dogs and bring them inside. When I went out to get them, I saw Onyx hidden in the shade. I had to do a double take to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. I had hoped it might be Jelly, but it was Onyx. I know Onyx does not leave the property which is a good thing.

I went into the bedroom at one point during the day and I could not Ursula anywhere. There are only so many places she could hide in there. I thought I had searched them all, but still could not find her. She finally came out from under the covers. I was so confused and then I thought it was funny once I figured out where she was. 

Bubba was sitting in the sunlight later in the day. He was enjoying the warmer temperatures. 

I got to see the donkeys and goats up close and personal. 

My chicken Betty was sitting on eggs. I got pecked pretty good while taking the eggs, but I did get the eggs. 

It was another hot day, but all the animals were hanging in there. 

Jelly was still not home, but the other cats were home and doing well. 

It was a beautiful evening while the sun was setting. 

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