Sunday, June 9, 2024


It was time to shave down Pepper and today was the day. It took 3 hours and Ronnie going to get me a new shearing device. Pepper was not happy and I was exhausted. It is not the best haircut and I was unable to get her back right hip because that is the only hip she can lay on and the poor girl cannot stand but for a few minutes at a time. She does feel better now though. I can tell she is cooler. 

Luna and her chicks are doing well again today even though it is a hot one. 

Oreo found a good spot on one of my pillows on the bed. He has a knack for finding good spots to stay in.

I did bathe all the dogs today. Pepper was so mad about it. Bella decided to roll around in the dirt right after her bath. Maggie had so much water in her hair, it caused her issues with walking (she will be getting her hair shaved also but it did not happen today). Daisy has some bad allergies going on with hot spots and so much skin irritation, I have given her two baths this week. It is not helping her though.

The cats were up against the house again to stay cool. I do hope it helps. Onyx found her a spot in a different area of the house. 

The pigs were still in the mud today. They love it. 

The sheep do have a breezeway and they were staying in that area to stay cool.

The horses are absolutely gorgeous. They were excited for feeding time. 

The cats were all home tonight. 

The sky was pretty again tonight, but honestly, that is every night. 

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