Sunday, June 2, 2024


Oh my, the heat is ongoing and it is not even as bad as it can get here in West Texas. It is hot out. I know all the animals are feeling it. I am sure they do better with it than the rest of us. 
The hen, Ann, did not appreciate it when i tried to take the eggs out from under her. She puffed up and got out of that crate quickly. She did come back not long later though. 

Me and Snowflake have come to an understanding. She no longer pecks me or even gets upset when she sees me. That is progress. 

The cows were beating the heat by laying in it. I do not understand, but it is not for me to understand. Willow was laying out there in the sun also. 

Noma did finally get the halter off. I wish I knew how that happened, but it does not really matter. Jeb was giving Noma some attention today. That is not something I see often anymore. They used to be best friends. 

Luna had her chicks under the trailer trying to keep them cooled off in the heat. They are smart little things. 

The donkeys decided to grace me with their presence this afternoon. They do not always do that, but I do love to see them when they do. Those guys are living their best life and just do what they want to do. It makes me happy to see them living their best life. 

The horses got a new hay bale. All 5 of them were watching closely to what was happening. They were sure grateful for that hay. They have been going through the hay really fast lately. 

As I watched those horses, they are such graceful animals. I enjoy watching them. 

I did get to interact with Mattie and Willow. I still am so grateful those two have become such good friends. Mattie being in the pen as long as he had been really helped with that. I hated that he had to be, but it worked out. 

The sheep are such curious little guys. I came by to give them some attention, but they were more interested in the feed buckets even though there was nothing in there. They make me laugh. 

The heat is making some storms coming in more frequently. We do need the rain, but maybe not the storms. I could see the clouds rolling in. The clouds are extremely beautiful but sometimes they look scary. 

I saw Tux again tonight. He was leaving the property though. I wish I could catch him and go get him vetted, but he has no desire to let all of that happen. He sees any of us and he runs away. Looks like we have more than one stray on our property these days. 

Jelly comes home every night meowing for my attention. I give him that attention with no question. I am grateful he comes home every night. All the cats were home tonight, as usual. 

The clouds were beautiful, so I stayed outside watching them for a long time. 

I watched something I had not seen before. Carlos was out in the pasture in an area grazing alone. That does not happen often. When the thunder and lightning started, Red went over to him and checked on him. It was a sweet moment to see. Red was checking on him. 

I watched the donkeys coming toward me while I was next to the fence. I was checking on them since the storm was coming in.

Athena is not the friendliest cat. She does not necessarily like to be petted or loved on. She followed me around the whole time I was outside checking the animals and taking pictures. As I went inside I figured out she was trying to go into the house since she knew what was going on with the weather. 

I did get some pictures of lightning. I wonder why I want to capture lightning every time a storm comes in. I guess it is exciting to see if I can do it. 

Athena did get right up by the fence. The donkeys do not like the cats, but Athena did not care. She is smart enough to know there is a fence there and the donkeys could not do anything to her. She stayed right by the fence and the donkeys were all smelling of her through the fence. 

The cows and the other donkeys did not seem to care there was a storm coming in. I did get some good pictures of them. They were minding their own business. 

The dogs were happy to get inside before the storm hit. 

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