Sunday, June 2, 2024


I was on the square downtown to talk about Mattie’s Mountain again today. I met a lot of people. I also had a good friend with me to keep me occupied. It was a good day. It was hot and I was exhausted afterwards. I went home and took a nap.

The donkeys came up for attention this evening. It sure was another hot one. Summer is definitely here. I do not think I am ready. 

Jeb has a nasty injury on his leg. Horses are good at getting hurt. It took both me and Ronnie to get the cut cleaned out and medicine put on the cut. Jeb was mad about it, but it got done. 

The sunsets out in West Texas are some of the best I have ever seen. I do enjoy seeing them. 

Jelly came home meowing from the road to where I was standing so he could get some petting. He is so spoiled, but I am grateful for him. 

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