Saturday, June 1, 2024


It is another hot day. The pigs were grateful for the new sunshades that were put up. They were loving being under the sunshade today.

The baby chicks are growing up. Luna is such a good little momma. I love to watch them learning new things.

Yeller was laying in the taller grass trying to stay cool. He is a smart one. 

The pigs were all hanging out in the mud in that one pen. They love that mud. They need that mud. 

The donkeys were under the trees staying cool also. They all have to figure out how to stay cool in the harsh West Texas summers. 

Noma has been trying to get her halter off. It is only a matter of time for her to get it off. She is one smart donkey. She did allow me to get close to her. 

The sheep were laying low due to the heat as well. They do have a fan in the barn. The chickens stay close to it through the summer either. 

I did watch a sand storm coming through the farm. That is interesting to see. 

Oh Bubba. That is all I can say. He makes me sad.

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