Saturday, June 29, 2024


Bubba did not look happy this morning. He is not moving around too often these days. I know I feel like I have been saying this for a year, and I know I have, but I feel like the end is near. It makes me so sad. 

The chickens were all under the fan this evening. It sure did make me laugh to see them all like that. At least they know it is there.  

This is the hottest day of the year so far. It is 105 out today. This heat is not something to mess around with. However, I did have a volunteer today to get some community service hours for school. Oh it was hot. We got it done though. Our volunteer helped us with feeding and watering the animals. I was able to talk about why we started this and what our goals out here is. She had a good time and we are grateful for the help on these hot days for sure. 

Pete gave our volunteer some smiles. I have not seen him do that often. He also let her pet on him and came close to the fence. He is not usually so trusting, so it was good to see. 

Willow was braying for attention and letting me know her displeasure about being in the pen. I get it,  she is lonely and she has never been by herself. It is necessary at this point. We went over to give her some love and attention which made Mattie jealous. He came over and felt like he needed more attention. 

The evening was so beautiful. The donkeys and goats were out be the fence and in the sunset. It was beautiful. 

Sterling was back in the pasture. He runs when he sees a human, but he hangs out with the other animals without any problem.

The horses were all in the pasture eating this evening as the sun was setting. 

I gave Yeller some cuddles. He does seem to doing better and is not as sad. I know it takes time with grief, even for animals. 

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