Friday, September 27, 2019

This post may be long, but this post makes me so happy!!! A few weeks ago, I met a lady at a friend’s house. We got to talking about pigs and other animals. That is a great topic for me. As the conversation went on, she said she was looking for a pig. I gave her some info but it all fell through. Fast forward to last night... I was tagged in a post about a pot belly pig needing a home. I knew I couldn’t take another pig. When I saw the pics though, I really wanted to. I got a little information and then contacted the lady that I had met a few weeks ago. I sent the pics and gave her the information I had. The pig is about 6 months old, not neutered male. He was rescued from being shot by the couple’s daughter who then dropped him off at their house and did not come back to get him. This couple was upset about having to give the pig another home, but with busy schedules, they are unable to care for him the way he deserved. They were feeding him dog food. The young son of this couple really loved the pig and was upset when I took the pig. After all of this, my friend was very interested. I continued to go back and forth today with both of these ladies. I was so happy that after a bit it was said that my friend would take the pig!! I told her if she would take him, I would even get the pig and bring it to her!! So, I start trying to make plans for tomorrow to get the pig but that wasn’t going to work out, so I went to get the pig today!! I showed up to meet with the owners of the pig. They brought him in a live trap. He looked miserable. I was able to get him out of the live trap and into the crate I brought. The poor thing was so scared. I was able to pet him and calm him down a bit. He was so sweet, he didn’t even scream when I picked him up. I’ve never seen that. So, I start driving with the pig, he was so upset and scared, he was gritting his teeth half way to his new home. I talked to him and it seemed to calm him some. I get to his new home and they are so excited!! She had already named him, Gus and they had the pen where they were going to put him. She was so happy which made things all worthwhile. When I opened up the crate to see him before they took him to his new pen, he was already rolling over for belly rubs. I’m telling you he is so sweet. When he got out of the crate and into his new pen, he ran right to the house that was in there. He did then come out and started rooting and was enjoying his new home. This story makes me so happy!! I know it’s usually not this easy for pigs to find a home but with this one it was and I’m so grateful to the new owner and the pig. This story definitely had a happy ending!!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

I am not really sure why I continue to flip through Facebook. There is nothing but drama, politics, or animals being abused, dumped, mistreated or needing homes. To an animal lover like me, it’s like a knife piercing my heart slowly over and over again. I know that’s a little dramatic but that is how I feel. Having all of these animals I have now has heightened that in me for some reason. It is just so terrible to see all of these posts about people needing to get rid of their animals. I’m telling you, the last pigs I rescued were so depressed for days that I really wasn’t sure if they were going to make it. They are great now, but the introduction in the pen was brutal and they were away from the only people they had known. It’s just awful. Most all of my animals are rescued. They needed new homes and they are now in their forever homes, but all of these posts make me want to rescue so many more. I know I don’t have the time or the money to do that. Each animal needs love and attention. If I continue to get more animals, I am going to be part of the problem. I don’t want that at all. I’m telling you though, I may have to leave Facebook for awhile to just not have to see it daily. It’s so depressing. Look at these faces and tell me how people can be so cruel to animals?!?! I don’t understand it. If someone can explain, I’m not sure if I would listen to excuses...

It stormed last night. The kind of storm that wakes you up several times because of the thunder. I normally run out several times to check all the animals when it’s raining but since it was in the middle of the night, I just prayed they were all ok. I pray every night for all of them so the coyotes stay away. I am nervous about that, but I can’t worry about it at this moment. We will be working on pens this weekend. So, I get up early every morning to feed animals before I go to work. I really want to check on them all as well... neurotic... maybe. I just like to see for myself they are where they are supposed to be and they are okay. This particular morning, it’s still pitch black outside and still raining. The little pigs usually start screaming when I come out the back door. They didn’t this morning. I can’t see them from the back door and they can’t see me either. I started to get a little nervous but I knew they were fine. I get the food ready and get over to the pen and still nothing. They really must have had a rough night, all 4 of them were in one doghouse asleep. Of course I woke them up so they could eat but they were so cute!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

I have had a very proud moment this evening. I know everyone reading this knows I am trying to socialize my little pigs. I have been working very hard for months. Tonight I was able to pet them all but they are still very skittish. They love my attention when I am on the opposite side of the fence. The last few weeks, Brutus has been coming to the fence and oinking at me and he will nite on my fingers like the others do, but that has just started. Tonight I was able to pet him... through the fence. He likes it so well he did a belly flop so I could rub his belly.  Only problem is I was on the other side of the fence. I got my arm in there as far as I could... far enough to get it stuck so I’m already bruised up. I got in the pen and the little toot wouldn’t come near me. He is warming up though.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

We sell all of our hay off of our land. The neighbor has a huge farm and uses it for them. They actually cut the hay for us also. As crazy as it sounds, we buy hay. We use square bales actually and they cut with round bales. The point in saying any of this is that the neighbor has been watching and he stuck a round bale in awhile back and when that was gone, they brought another one. I’m so grateful for that. Now, these crazy animals have been eating on this bale of hay. But, they are eating it from the inside out. They have eaten so much of it that they are actually crawling in the bale of hay to eat it. I got some pictures today of Romeo with most of his body inside the hay bale. Cracker jack has his whole neck and head in the middle of that hay bale. I crack up every time I see this!! It’s almost time for another hay bale and I have a feeling they are going to eat quite a few this winter. Let’s hope the winter isn’t too terrible this year.

Monday, September 23, 2019

I got a good scare from Lucky yesterday. I was out doing my rounds and it was getting dark. I was checking on all the animals one more time. Lucky was laying down, like in a fetal position almost. I didn’t panic on the outside but I was panicking on the inside. My heart just dropped right down into my stomach. I was saying his name and there was no movement. None, nothing. I’m hurrying over to the pen and still saying his name. I finally get over to the pen and I don’t even see him breathing. Oh, I was about to have myself a moment. Right before I was reaching in to touch him, he jumped up like he had had the best sleep. He acted disoriented even. And he is fine now. I was just so happy he was up. He really gave me a scare!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

I talked about Spam last night. I really hurt her feelings when I moved her due to snapping at me. Went out this morning and she wouldn’t have anything to do with me. I tried to pet her, but she walked away. Very snobbish like, too. This afternoon was a little better. She is now crying when I get close to her due to her being upset. This evening was different. She did eat tonight. She is still crying when she is close to me. I know she is sensitive with stuff and still not very trusting. I really should have thought of this. I know it is going to take awhile to get back to normal. She did snap at me a few times tonight. She was trying to eat my pants tonight which is something different that hasn’t happened. I know she will get over it, but we are back to the beginning. I feel defeated with her right now. 

So, my little runt, Brutus hasn’t been able to get in the pool because he is to small. My husband dug a hole and cut the side with him in mind to keep cool. He was still to small. Came out tonight and the pigs had somehow moved the pool and all the water was in a mud hole. He is the happiest little pig right now.  He is living his best life right now. The others are happy, too, but they all were able to keep cool in the pool. I was loving watching him in the mud hole. Then, the little toot decides to get in the pool. He is just like a kid playing me. It worked, the little smarty pants. He is so spoiled, probably because he is still so small. I would bring him in the house, but that won’t happen anytime soon. He keeps me on my toes for sure!!! Good thing he is so stinking cute!!

Friday, September 20, 2019

I think Daisy is feeling a little sad lately. When the big pigs were younger, they loved her so much. Now, they tolerate her, but they are really snapping at her. Daisy looks at me like she has done something wrong. She hasn’t, but those pigs are not as friendly with her as they were. These little pigs still love her at the moment. I hope they will still like her. The donkey really is nervous about her and Hercules wants to fight with her. Romeo tolerates her still. I feel bad for daisy. She was snapped at by all the big pigs yesterday and definitely by Spam today. Daisy gets upset. You can see it on her face. I hope it gets better soon. I hate seeing Daisy sad.

I am really just heartbroken tonight. Spam has been doing so well with me lately. I have figured out that she doesn’t like the phone. Not sure if it’s just an object in my hand or what but she doesn’t like it at all. Tonight she was walking toward me and I was actually on the phone with it on speaker phone. She saw it and snapped at me. I used the move the pig technique, maybe not fully correctly but used it just the same. It is to help with behavior issues. Well, this absolutely broke spam down into her soul. She does not want to have anything to do with me now. In fact, she went and was pouting. It broke my heart. It gets worse though, I was able to get her over on her side for a belly rub after all of this but every time I got close to her face, she snapped at me. And to make matters worse, you know sisters stick together so Treat is snapping at me too now. I’m not sure what to do. I’m sad for me and for them. Things have been going so well and now I think we are back to square one. Maybe I’m being dramatic but I was out there a long time and they won’t have anything to do with me. I am hoping tomorrow is better. She is so upset and so am I. My heart is just a little broken. Pray it’s better tomorrow.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

I got to see a different side of my girls tonight, Treat and Spam are the girls I’m referring to. I put some conditioner on Gus tonight again for his dry skin. It looks so bad. The little pigs do, too, but they won’t let me run the conditioner into their skin. I sure did try tonight... not happening. Anyway. After using the conditioner on Gus, I needed to wash it off. Luck would be on my side. He decided to crawl in the pool while I was putting water in it. I was able to wash it off. As I’m washing it off, he jumps out and starts doing zoomies. Well, the girls thought he was in trouble or something and they decided to protect him. Like, we’re not going to move protect him. It was really sweet of them. I sure didn’t try to get past them. Spam can be scary when she wants to be. I do love knowing that they are really bonded. They still get in a few little fights over food but that’s about it. I’m so glad I have them. They really brighten my days.

Those little pigs... good grief. They are trying to dig out and aren’t even hiding it. I have barricaded the spot with everything I know to do. I guess I will be moving more railroad ties. It’s too funny, they are covered with dirt and mud from rooting to try to escape and they just look at me with guilt. They know they are not supposed to be getting out. They are so smart, they know this!! They look so guilty!!! I do love to watch them. After the barricade, of course they are trying to move it all. Those noses are super strong!! They weren’t friendly tonight because they were guilty. I did get to pet a few of them though.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

This may be an over share and I think I’ve said some of this before, but since the first of this year, there has been so many changes in my life and I’m feeling very scattered and out of sorts. Ronnie and I started getting animals on the farm earlier this year, we have both switched jobs, we haven’t been on a vacation this year, I started back to school and we barely see each other. I’m not saying any of these things are bad, they have been great decisions but doing it all at once is just nuts. Take a lesson... whew, what a year. Neither of us have any free time at the moment and it’s exhausting. Like really, super exhausting. In saying all of that, I have realized that home really is my happy place. I smile when I get to the end of the driveway. I smile when the animals are screaming and braying at me. I love that they all know when I leave and when I get home. I love that they wait at the gates for me. I love being able to care for them. Even when my day has been the worst you have had in a very long time, those animals will make me smile. I’m telling you, I needed them as much as they needed me. Thank goodness.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Let’s talk about sweet Daisy. She is one of the most loving dogs I have ever had. She loves these other animals so much. All of them. The goats will play with her, the donkey runs from her, all 7 of the pigs go to the fence when she comes up to it. Maggie loves her, the cats and pepper don’t like her much. I do find that Daisy is really a great dog. This post is to brag on her a little. I have noticed lately that when I feed the dogs she walks back and forth a bit for some reason. I finally figured out that she was waiting on all of the dogs to get food before she ate. I think that is so crazy. She loves them so much that she will wait to eat until everyone gets food. I didn’t know dogs would do that!!! I just cannot tell you how glad I am that Daisy came to live here. She is the absolute best dog.

Well, I got home super late tonight. All of my animals were really mad. The donkey was braying and all of the pigs were either pouting or screaming. They were all hungry. I go out and start feeding and watering. It is definitely getting dark earlier so I knew I had to hurry. Of course I got distracted with petting the animals. I was able to love on Cracker Jack and the little pigs. I finally get over to the big pig pen and it’s almost dark. I’m filling up the last pool for the pigs and Gus gets in it and starts using it as his bathroom, like always. I kept telling him he needed to get out of the pool so I could dump it and clean it out, again. I sprayed him with water to cool him off. I think it made him mad. He went over and laid down in the hay. I finally get the pool finished and go over to Gus. He was either not feeling good, pouting, or mad. It was really dark so I couldn’t tell. I went over to love on him and he still didn’t want to get up. Spam came over and snapped at me, protecting Gus. It was so dark by now and the mosquitoes were trying to kill me, so I went in. Then I was thinking about it and decided I needed to go check on Gus. He was standing, still in the same spot but at least standing. I think he was just pouting. Treat was busy rooting around. She came over to get petted and then took off. Spam  did let me pet her after she snapped at me. Oh, these guys sure keep me on my toes!!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Jodie and I have really been working on those little pigs. Trying to get them socialized. They are getting better but it is a lot of work. I went out the other morning to feed them. I was giving them corn which is an on occasion thing. They love it. They eat that up so fast but it’s really not good for them. They can get really overweight with corn. That’s why I only give it every once in awhile. On this particular day, I put the corn in the bowls and sat right there with them. They love that corn so much, I was able to pet all 4 of those little pigs. I love it!!! I know it’s so much work and we have had some set backs because of vet visits and surgeries. We are finally getting past that. It’s moving slowly but they have been traumatized. It takes them awhile to break through those trust issues just like a human. It’s going to happen, I just don’t know when. I really thought Spam and Treat would never be love able, but they are. It just takes time, patience, and lots of love.