Sunday, September 8, 2019

I just want to brag on my big pigs. They are doing so wonderful. They are enjoying life here and they are really warming up. Gus has always been sweet and love able. The other 2, however, have not been. Treat is still giving piggy kisses and enjoying her belly rubs. Spam is trying so hard to warm up. You can tell she is having an internal struggle with herself. She wants those belly rubs and she wants to be loved on. She is scared to death to open up. She will lay down for belly rubs but she will jump up with any little movement. She makes this noise and it sounds like she is scared. But, if I’m petting any of the other pigs, she will snap at me to get the attention the others are getting. At this point she doesn’t care if it’s positive or negative attention. Poor baby. I love her so much but she is still so scared. It is getting better every day. She has shown so much improvement in the last few weeks. I’m so proud of her. I will continue to work with her daily. I know there will be a break through!!

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