Saturday, September 21, 2019

I talked about Spam last night. I really hurt her feelings when I moved her due to snapping at me. Went out this morning and she wouldn’t have anything to do with me. I tried to pet her, but she walked away. Very snobbish like, too. This afternoon was a little better. She is now crying when I get close to her due to her being upset. This evening was different. She did eat tonight. She is still crying when she is close to me. I know she is sensitive with stuff and still not very trusting. I really should have thought of this. I know it is going to take awhile to get back to normal. She did snap at me a few times tonight. She was trying to eat my pants tonight which is something different that hasn’t happened. I know she will get over it, but we are back to the beginning. I feel defeated with her right now. 

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