Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Well, I got home super late tonight. All of my animals were really mad. The donkey was braying and all of the pigs were either pouting or screaming. They were all hungry. I go out and start feeding and watering. It is definitely getting dark earlier so I knew I had to hurry. Of course I got distracted with petting the animals. I was able to love on Cracker Jack and the little pigs. I finally get over to the big pig pen and it’s almost dark. I’m filling up the last pool for the pigs and Gus gets in it and starts using it as his bathroom, like always. I kept telling him he needed to get out of the pool so I could dump it and clean it out, again. I sprayed him with water to cool him off. I think it made him mad. He went over and laid down in the hay. I finally get the pool finished and go over to Gus. He was either not feeling good, pouting, or mad. It was really dark so I couldn’t tell. I went over to love on him and he still didn’t want to get up. Spam came over and snapped at me, protecting Gus. It was so dark by now and the mosquitoes were trying to kill me, so I went in. Then I was thinking about it and decided I needed to go check on Gus. He was standing, still in the same spot but at least standing. I think he was just pouting. Treat was busy rooting around. She came over to get petted and then took off. Spam  did let me pet her after she snapped at me. Oh, these guys sure keep me on my toes!!

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