Wednesday, September 25, 2019

I have had a very proud moment this evening. I know everyone reading this knows I am trying to socialize my little pigs. I have been working very hard for months. Tonight I was able to pet them all but they are still very skittish. They love my attention when I am on the opposite side of the fence. The last few weeks, Brutus has been coming to the fence and oinking at me and he will nite on my fingers like the others do, but that has just started. Tonight I was able to pet him... through the fence. He likes it so well he did a belly flop so I could rub his belly.  Only problem is I was on the other side of the fence. I got my arm in there as far as I could... far enough to get it stuck so I’m already bruised up. I got in the pen and the little toot wouldn’t come near me. He is warming up though.

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