Monday, September 16, 2019

I have been falling behind on my posting. Sometimes life is so busy, you just cannot get everything finished. Tonight I have a good one. I went into the little pig pen tonight to feed and water. I tried loving on them. They weren’t having it, surprise surprise. When I came out of there, I didn’t put the pallet back up against the gate and I didn’t rig the gate back up with the bungee strap. I know better than that, but my mind has been scattered today. That’s normal but it’s worse today. Maybe because it’s Monday. I’m out in the big pig pen loving on them. I haven’t had the best day so I was needing to pet on them as much as they needed it. They always know that, too. Very emotional animals, they can feel our emotions. I had been over there for awhile. Maggie and Pepper were sitting close to the gates. Those dogs don’t get too far from me. Maggie started barking. I told her to stop but she wouldn’t. I get up and I see Pork chop trying to escape. He wasn’t going to get past Maggie. She was looking out for me and really Pork Chop, too. It’s never good when one of them escapes. I did let Maggie know she was a good girl. Pork chop was pouting after that. They sure are smart!!

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