Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Let’s talk about sweet Daisy. She is one of the most loving dogs I have ever had. She loves these other animals so much. All of them. The goats will play with her, the donkey runs from her, all 7 of the pigs go to the fence when she comes up to it. Maggie loves her, the cats and pepper don’t like her much. I do find that Daisy is really a great dog. This post is to brag on her a little. I have noticed lately that when I feed the dogs she walks back and forth a bit for some reason. I finally figured out that she was waiting on all of the dogs to get food before she ate. I think that is so crazy. She loves them so much that she will wait to eat until everyone gets food. I didn’t know dogs would do that!!! I just cannot tell you how glad I am that Daisy came to live here. She is the absolute best dog.

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