Friday, September 27, 2019

This post may be long, but this post makes me so happy!!! A few weeks ago, I met a lady at a friend’s house. We got to talking about pigs and other animals. That is a great topic for me. As the conversation went on, she said she was looking for a pig. I gave her some info but it all fell through. Fast forward to last night... I was tagged in a post about a pot belly pig needing a home. I knew I couldn’t take another pig. When I saw the pics though, I really wanted to. I got a little information and then contacted the lady that I had met a few weeks ago. I sent the pics and gave her the information I had. The pig is about 6 months old, not neutered male. He was rescued from being shot by the couple’s daughter who then dropped him off at their house and did not come back to get him. This couple was upset about having to give the pig another home, but with busy schedules, they are unable to care for him the way he deserved. They were feeding him dog food. The young son of this couple really loved the pig and was upset when I took the pig. After all of this, my friend was very interested. I continued to go back and forth today with both of these ladies. I was so happy that after a bit it was said that my friend would take the pig!! I told her if she would take him, I would even get the pig and bring it to her!! So, I start trying to make plans for tomorrow to get the pig but that wasn’t going to work out, so I went to get the pig today!! I showed up to meet with the owners of the pig. They brought him in a live trap. He looked miserable. I was able to get him out of the live trap and into the crate I brought. The poor thing was so scared. I was able to pet him and calm him down a bit. He was so sweet, he didn’t even scream when I picked him up. I’ve never seen that. So, I start driving with the pig, he was so upset and scared, he was gritting his teeth half way to his new home. I talked to him and it seemed to calm him some. I get to his new home and they are so excited!! She had already named him, Gus and they had the pen where they were going to put him. She was so happy which made things all worthwhile. When I opened up the crate to see him before they took him to his new pen, he was already rolling over for belly rubs. I’m telling you he is so sweet. When he got out of the crate and into his new pen, he ran right to the house that was in there. He did then come out and started rooting and was enjoying his new home. This story makes me so happy!! I know it’s usually not this easy for pigs to find a home but with this one it was and I’m so grateful to the new owner and the pig. This story definitely had a happy ending!!

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