Thursday, September 5, 2019

My husband asked me tonight about my cut from Spam. I think he might be concerned. I am fine by the way. When he asked me about it, I told him how she acted afterward. I told him how she cried when she saw me after the incident. I know she wasn’t trying to get me, but she did. It was an accident and it really turned into just a scratch. I have treated it and it’s looking good. I had not thought about this until he asked, but she was very affectionate today. Yesterday I know I hurt her feelings with moving her away from me after all that happened. They are very smart. They know what they did. She is still trying to make it up to me. She let me pet her tonight with no problem and she rolled over to get belly rubs. She didn’t run away from me tonight. She came to me on her own free will. When I got out of the pen, she sat there and cried at the gate. This is not like her. She does not do things like this. I would say she is improving greatly. Or, she knows I’m the one that feeds her and she doesn’t want me mad at her. I’m really fine and I’m not mad at her. If she had done it on purpose, this might be a different thing, but I know she didn’t. And she is sorry. Gosh, I can’t believe how smart they are sometimes.

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