Sunday, September 8, 2019

While out in the little pen, Jodie and I noticed that Brutus had some skin hanging off of him where his stitches were after being neutered. I needed to get him so I could check it out. Jodie and I came up with a plan to catch him so we could check it out. So, I gave him some food later at feeding time. Keep in mind these little ones are still very skittish. I got close while they were eating so I could love on them. Patsy got some petting while she was eating. I was able to pet Brutus, but when I went to grab him, he ran. Oh he ran fast. That little dude is really fast. So, that is a no. I didn’t even try again but that was my only shot for that. The incision looks good and healed. It just looks like some scans are falling off is all it is. I can’t catch him so I’m not 100 percent sure but that’s my guess at the moment.

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