Saturday, September 14, 2019

So, today hasn’t been too great with the big pigs. This morning I fed them their regular feed and gave them some grass. This afternoon I went out to play with them and check on them. I noticed Spam was trying to pee and was unable to. She kept trying to squat and go and it just wasn’t happening. I knew I had some cranberry juice from the last time this happened. I brought it out and put some in the bowls. Spam only drank just a tiny bit. Gus and Treat drank most of it. Well, not but a few minutes later, Treat starts throwing up. She did this 5 times. She then came over and just sat down beside me. Well then Gus throws up, too. I’m like what in the world is going on with these pigs?!?! I left them out there laying down. I went back to check on them about 45 minutes later. Spam still isn’t feeling well but the other 2 are fine. I did feed them and they all ate. I watched for a bit and I saw Spam drinking a bunch of water. I hope she starts feeling better. I went out a bit later to check on them and Treat and Gus are still fine. Spam still isn’t. I know she does this when she is fixing to go into heat, so I’m hoping that’s all it is. She did get up and come toward me and just laid down at my feet. I loved on her a bit, but Treat knows she isn’t feeling well and snapped at me. Spam got up and started walking again and decided she didn’t feel like it and laid down again. So, I rubbed her belly. I’m really hoping she is better in the morning.

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