Thursday, September 26, 2019

I am not really sure why I continue to flip through Facebook. There is nothing but drama, politics, or animals being abused, dumped, mistreated or needing homes. To an animal lover like me, it’s like a knife piercing my heart slowly over and over again. I know that’s a little dramatic but that is how I feel. Having all of these animals I have now has heightened that in me for some reason. It is just so terrible to see all of these posts about people needing to get rid of their animals. I’m telling you, the last pigs I rescued were so depressed for days that I really wasn’t sure if they were going to make it. They are great now, but the introduction in the pen was brutal and they were away from the only people they had known. It’s just awful. Most all of my animals are rescued. They needed new homes and they are now in their forever homes, but all of these posts make me want to rescue so many more. I know I don’t have the time or the money to do that. Each animal needs love and attention. If I continue to get more animals, I am going to be part of the problem. I don’t want that at all. I’m telling you though, I may have to leave Facebook for awhile to just not have to see it daily. It’s so depressing. Look at these faces and tell me how people can be so cruel to animals?!?! I don’t understand it. If someone can explain, I’m not sure if I would listen to excuses...

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