Monday, September 2, 2019

I have a hilarious story for you. So, my pool has been horrible this year because of all the rain. It’s been so green. My cousin and his wife have an amazing pool business. I called them. So, Mandy came out on a Saturday to work on the pool. I was home so we talked and laughed and got to pet animals. She said she would have to come back later to treat it and clean it again. No problem. She called me a couple days later and said she was going out there. I wasn’t home, but again, no big deal. So I get home and she is still there working. Now, here’s the funny part... my donkey is like a burglar alarm. He lets people know when someone is there, doesn’t matter who it is. And he always greets me with braying when I get home. I did not tell Mandy this. So, I get home and the donkey is braying really loud. Mandy didn’t see me pull in because I pulled in around the front of the house. I came around the corner to say hello. Mandy looks up and sees me and she says, I didn’t know you were home and that donkey just scared me. It was really funny!! Cracker Jack had scared her with the braying. She had no idea what was going on. I’m still laughing about it!! Oh and the pool is crystal clear now!!! Thanks, Mandy!!

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