Friday, September 20, 2019

I am really just heartbroken tonight. Spam has been doing so well with me lately. I have figured out that she doesn’t like the phone. Not sure if it’s just an object in my hand or what but she doesn’t like it at all. Tonight she was walking toward me and I was actually on the phone with it on speaker phone. She saw it and snapped at me. I used the move the pig technique, maybe not fully correctly but used it just the same. It is to help with behavior issues. Well, this absolutely broke spam down into her soul. She does not want to have anything to do with me now. In fact, she went and was pouting. It broke my heart. It gets worse though, I was able to get her over on her side for a belly rub after all of this but every time I got close to her face, she snapped at me. And to make matters worse, you know sisters stick together so Treat is snapping at me too now. I’m not sure what to do. I’m sad for me and for them. Things have been going so well and now I think we are back to square one. Maybe I’m being dramatic but I was out there a long time and they won’t have anything to do with me. I am hoping tomorrow is better. She is so upset and so am I. My heart is just a little broken. Pray it’s better tomorrow.

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