Thursday, September 26, 2019

It stormed last night. The kind of storm that wakes you up several times because of the thunder. I normally run out several times to check all the animals when it’s raining but since it was in the middle of the night, I just prayed they were all ok. I pray every night for all of them so the coyotes stay away. I am nervous about that, but I can’t worry about it at this moment. We will be working on pens this weekend. So, I get up early every morning to feed animals before I go to work. I really want to check on them all as well... neurotic... maybe. I just like to see for myself they are where they are supposed to be and they are okay. This particular morning, it’s still pitch black outside and still raining. The little pigs usually start screaming when I come out the back door. They didn’t this morning. I can’t see them from the back door and they can’t see me either. I started to get a little nervous but I knew they were fine. I get the food ready and get over to the pen and still nothing. They really must have had a rough night, all 4 of them were in one doghouse asleep. Of course I woke them up so they could eat but they were so cute!!!

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