Saturday, September 21, 2019

So, my little runt, Brutus hasn’t been able to get in the pool because he is to small. My husband dug a hole and cut the side with him in mind to keep cool. He was still to small. Came out tonight and the pigs had somehow moved the pool and all the water was in a mud hole. He is the happiest little pig right now.  He is living his best life right now. The others are happy, too, but they all were able to keep cool in the pool. I was loving watching him in the mud hole. Then, the little toot decides to get in the pool. He is just like a kid playing me. It worked, the little smarty pants. He is so spoiled, probably because he is still so small. I would bring him in the house, but that won’t happen anytime soon. He keeps me on my toes for sure!!! Good thing he is so stinking cute!!

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