Friday, September 6, 2019

This dog is crazy, y’all. I stopped messing with the garden recently but apparently the garden is still producing produce. I have seen some produce but haven’t picked anything since it’s over grown. And honestly, I’m not sure what is in there. That’s scary to me. If I can’t see the ground below me due to the weeds, forget it. I’m not doing it. So, as I’m out and about working with my farm animals, feeding and watering, there is Daisy, with a cucumber out of the garden. She was eating it up, too. That’s so funny to me. She carried that thing around the entire yard eating it. She would not let anyone take it from her. This dog is a mess!!! Life is definitely more interesting with her around. I mean, do you know another dog that would pick vegetables off the vines and actually eat it??

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