Wednesday, September 18, 2019

This may be an over share and I think I’ve said some of this before, but since the first of this year, there has been so many changes in my life and I’m feeling very scattered and out of sorts. Ronnie and I started getting animals on the farm earlier this year, we have both switched jobs, we haven’t been on a vacation this year, I started back to school and we barely see each other. I’m not saying any of these things are bad, they have been great decisions but doing it all at once is just nuts. Take a lesson... whew, what a year. Neither of us have any free time at the moment and it’s exhausting. Like really, super exhausting. In saying all of that, I have realized that home really is my happy place. I smile when I get to the end of the driveway. I smile when the animals are screaming and braying at me. I love that they all know when I leave and when I get home. I love that they wait at the gates for me. I love being able to care for them. Even when my day has been the worst you have had in a very long time, those animals will make me smile. I’m telling you, I needed them as much as they needed me. Thank goodness.

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