Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Finally... I know Spam has been trying to trust me. She has improved so much lately. We have really turned a corner over the weekend. She is now so jealous she will come up and snap at you because you aren’t petting her. She cries until you do. She is now giving belly flops for belly rubs and she is so close to giving kisses. She is trying so hard. She is still working on it but I am so proud of the progress we are making. She really is such a sweet thing if she would just break through that barrier. It won’t be long. She really has been through a lot in her short little life. She was given away with her 2 sisters and not been given any love during that time. She gets to her new home and one of her sisters died. The other one was very sick. That was when I got them. They were terrified and me having to chase them 2 times in one day didn’t help matters. I had no where to put them when we got them and I didn’t know anything about pigs, so we put them in a run down kennel until we could build something for them. Well, Treat (the sister) was sick. Then Spam got sick, too. We kept them in a small space to be able to treat them and not have to chase them down when they needed a shot or treated for mange. Treat got better and she ran off 3 different times. Spam was so depressed each time I thought she would will herself to die. She was literally trying to run through chain link. She would do this until she was bleeding. It was so terrible. Treat always came back for Spam and now they are all happy. I added Gus to the mix also and they all love each other. But, it’s been a rough start. It’s looking up now.

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