Thursday, September 12, 2019

When Jodie was down last weekend, she really wanted to pet the smaller pigs. These guys are just so skittish. She sits down on their level like I do with them. There were plenty of Cheerios involved. Bacon bit will eat out of her hand but she is still the only one that will do this. She sat there for an hour or so with them and when she tried to pet them, they were not having it at all. She was able to pet one of them for maybe a split second but that pig jumped back like she was on fire. I really think it was Bacon Bit. It really is funny. After that she just say there with them and they all kind of fell asleep around her, but not close enough that she could touch them. They are so smart. I know we all wish they would warm up and we really are trying. They are very smart and very stubborn, but they are so so cute.

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