Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I think I need to write a book about patience and pigs teaching you patience. Good grief these pigs work my patience sometimes. I sure do love these babies but I’m still working on trust with them. They have to break that barrier. They have to decide it’s all going to be okay. Even when I’m aggravated, I have to remain calm and use patience with them. It’s worse than kids. I’ve been working so hard, but tonight I feel a little defeated. It might be my mood and the fact that they can feel that radiating off of me. Spam let me love on her tonight for a lot longer than normal. Treat did the same thing. Gus got some petting also. Spam is still aggressive at times and tonight was one of those times. She lunged at Treat but got me instead. I’m usually too quick but I wasn’t paying attention. She didn’t bite me but she did scratch me with her teeth. Not hard but I did have a little blood and had to come in and get it all clean. I know she didn’t mean to and she has cried every time she has seen me since that happened. I gave her some more petting and let her know I wasn’t mad at her. I do feel defeated though. My babies, all 4 of the little ones didn’t want anything to do with me at all tonight. They wanted food and clean water and would not come near me. I do understand that my bad mood may have something to do with it because they are emotional animals. I am hoping tomorrow is better. I don’t have too many of these days but today is just one of those days.

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