Monday, September 9, 2019

I just want to say tonight that my animals are truly a blessing in my life. I didn’t know how much I needed them in my life but I really did. Don’t get me wrong, I have a great life. I have an amazing husband that would do anything in the world for me. I wouldn’t trade him for anything. I have a good relationship with my kids. I have a beautiful home and a great job. I’m not missing anything in my life. I sure do love this farm though. Life sometimes gets stressful and the world is just so busy and loud. The farm really does give me peace. It gives me a peaceful evening just hanging out with them, all of them. They can put a smile on my face regardless of how I’m feeling. They can make me laugh when I really want to cry. They bring some much joy to everyone that comes into contact with them. As I write this, I have 2 cats curled up beside me and I have been able to love on my dogs and all other animals tonight. I didn’t know I needed that or wanted that at all but I love every minute of it. What started out as a donkey turned into 1 donkey, 3 goats and 7 pigs. I also still have 3 dogs and 2 cats. They are such wonderful things and make me so happy every single day.

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