Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May 31

It was a beautiful morning. However, I looked outside and Waldo did not look right. I ran out the back door and yelled Waldo and he looked at me like I had lost my mind. He was fine. 

Then I see Athena carrying something in her mouth and my heart sunk. I thought it was one of the chicks. I ran back outside. It was not a chick, but it was a bird. I got Athena to let go of the bird. I’m not sure how far the bird got. It did run away but Athena was looking for it. 

I saw Chloe and the chicks so I went to check on the babies to see if that one I was worried about had made it and it had. The chick is still slower than the others but hanging in there. 

The same thing was going on when I got home, but again, the chick is still hanging in there. It is smaller the other chicks I noticed this evening as I was feeding them. The other 13 seem to be thriving. 

Athena was stalking the chicks, so I had to run her off. She was not happy with me, but I did not care. 

Mattie is eating the chicken food. I did keep some of the duck food that was donated, but he will not touch that. 

Ronnie did some weed eating the other day and ruined Edith’s laying spot. She is now laying on the hay bales. I’m not surprised. 

Rena is getting around so much better. I’m impressed with how well she is doing. I’m so happy about it. 

There has definitely been some rain lately, so things are green and gorgeous. We do not see that out here too often. 

Edith and Suzie Q ended up in the shop tonight, but surprisingly, they left the shop. It shocked me actually. They both like to live in there. 

Looks like Jeb got into a fight with a cactus. He did not appreciate me trying to pull out the spikes. 

I had wondered if Willow was still nursing. I know she needs to, but every time I saw her try to nurse, Noma would kick her away. I did see her nurse tonight. 

There looked like a storm coming in. It got cooler fast. The goats went in the shelter and the chickens were roosting. 

Onyx had an interesting sleeping spot today. She was under the steps with a dog on each side. It was funny to see, she was not bothered at all. 

Yeller walked out to me in the pasture, so I gave him some love. He then hid himself in the grass. 

Noma is having a hard time with flies. I sprayed her down again today. She was not happy and it was an ordeal. 

We have some leaves on a zucchini plant that looks like an elephant ear. It’s huge. 

We got 16 eggs today. That’s a bunch. 

Ronnie put out a new bale of hay for Mattie and the cows. That is always an ordeal. A funny one, but an ordeal. 

Word of the day is ordeal. 1 Peter 4:12

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May 30

I do not know why but today has felt like a long day. Maybe it’s the full moon coming in the next few days but it has been a long day. 
I got home and saw Sonny pecking on Yeller and Yeller hissing at him. Sonny ended up walking away. 

I noticed a chick hanging back, not the normal one. It got lost several times which makes me wonder if that one will make it. It might be me, but it does not look good. I went behind this chick more than once to get it to his momma and she was trying to attack me. I left them alone after the third time, but I do wonder if the chick will make it. That’s the part that always makes me sad. I am surprised they have all made it so long. 

The donkeys and goats all came up and gave me some attention. That’s always a good thing. 

The pigs are loving life. I even got Spam to roll over and let me rub her belly. Three years ago I would have never thought that would happen. 

Ronnie had to buy different hay since the feed store was out of what we normally buy. Willow and Noma were okay with it though. 

Word of the day is a long day. Isaiah 41:10

Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29

It was a hot day today. Here is a chance of rain so we have more humidity than normal. It got hot. 

Ronnie was off work today, so I did not have to help feed and water too much. I did look for eggs. Because of the weather change, we did not get as many as normal. 

Simone was hanging in the shop not far from Jelly. Yeller did come in later to hang out with Jelly. I am grateful Jelly is staying home more. 

Mattie has been scratching a lot. I think he is trying to shed his hair. It’s matted from all the rain we have had. 

The goats and sheep all seem to be doing well. I’m watching them all closely with all the weather changes. It’s hard on them. 

Chloe still has all 14 babies. I’m so proud of that hen and how good she is doing. 

I noticed Maggie’s dew claw was growing back into her pad. Ronnie and I were able to clip it without a problem. 

Word of the day is teamwork. Genesis 2:18

May 28

Ursula was ready for me to get up. She was jumping on me and she was knocking things off the bedroom counter. She is such a mess. I got up and she stopped. 

It was the day for Sebastian to go home. I took him over to tell Jeb bye. Jeb came to the fence and loved on him. 

Spots came over, too, but he moved her out of the way and told her no. I loved on her though. She has not wanted too much attention so when she does, I give it to her. 

Chloe is starting to let the chicks go a little way without her. She has been the best mom. She is the only hen we have had who has not lost a chick or two by now. She does have Melody helping her out with the chicks, so maybe that is why. 

Simone is still in the shop. I think she comes and goes.

Jelly stayed home again today with Yeller. I hope he starts staying home more again. I worry less when he does. 

Mattie kicked Jasper hard today and Jasper stopped messing with him. Good for Mattie taking up for himself. 

The cows saw the fly spray and ran from me, but I won that round and sprayed them both. I got Mattie and Noma, too. None of them appreciated it. 

The horses were funny. I was watering and the horses kept trying to take the hose. They wanted to be sprayed with the water. I accomplished that. Takua even wanted to drink from the hose. Then Spots did the same thing. Once they had enough, they walked away. 

A few minutes after the horses walked away, I saw Saverine go down. Then Spots went down. I almost had a panic attack but they were just getting the water off them. They both got right back up and went on with their business. 

Chloe brought her chicks out with all the other chickens. She was brave. They did not stay long and went back to the front of the house. That was smart. 

Willow is jumping on Noma more and I’m wondering if it’s a comfort thing for her. I notice it more when something is going on she does not like. 

There is still one chick that always falls behind because it’s looking at all the things around. Chloe is such a good momma. She knows the chick is gone and she will wait on this chick. 

Word of the day is the beauty of the earth. Colossians 1:16-17