Sunday, August 4, 2019

A couple of weeks ago, I decided I would plant some grass in the big pig pen. I just planted a little to see if it would grow. I know that sounds a little out there since we killed all the vegetation that was in both of the pig pens before they were actually pig pens. They were over grown and looking really rough back there. Now I feel a little bad because when it rains it’s a big mud pit. They don’t seem to mind too much but I hate it. I went out and guess what?!?! There is grass growing now. I was so proud of myself. I decided to plant more. Not sure why. Those pigs want nothing to do with it. I decided today I would plant some in the little pig pen. Those little guys rooted up everything I planted and pretty sure they are it. They are so funny!! We will see if any of it actually survives after all of that.

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