Saturday, August 24, 2019

It rained so much last night it was ridiculous. Of course all of my pig pens are nothing but mud. The donkey and goats are fine. There is no mud in there. They have not been happy today for some reason. Cracker Jack was braying at me all day. I went out a few times to check on him, but I think he was begging for food since his hay was soaked with water. I did give him hay and feed today so I know he is fine. The pigs were having a fun day in the mud. I even sat in the dirt, the only spot that wasn’t mud for like half an hour before they would even have anything to do with me. That is not a normal thing for them. They usually fight over time with me. Not today, the mud was priority today. That’s ok. They are pigs, that’s what they like. They finally did give me some attention. I actually think they were still upset with me since I haven’t spent a lot of time with them the last couple of weeks and this was pay back. They finally gave in though. And Treat is such a sweet little thing these days. She was so muddy, but she wanted a piggy kiss, so I had to give her one. She is precious these days and I hope she stays that way.

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