Monday, August 12, 2019

Alright guys, this post may be too much information. The last pigs I rescued were a male and female. Brutus is such a tiny little thing but he is four and a half months old now. I called the vet right after I got him to make an appointment for Brutus to get neutered. The vet office told me to wait a month and call them back because he was too young. So now I have an unaltered male in a pen with some young unaltered females. The problem is, Brutus is now trying to make piglets. He is so small I don’t think he can do that. When he tries, the girls beat up on him. I want to move him to another pen but I can’t catch him. I called to make an appointment for the vet but they are booked until next week. Now my problem is, how am I going to catch this little guy?? He is so fast and still so skittish. This is going to be a huge problem if I don’t get it resolved quickly. I’m trying. I really am but this is hard on my own. I called my hubby and he is going to be able to help me next Monday. Hopefully I can get to catch him Monday night for a Tuesday appointment. Poor little Brutus. He looks miserable.

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