Saturday, August 31, 2019

Alright, I have figured something else out by spending time with all of these animals. Spam has been really aggressive. Not all the time and I don’t think she means to be. She used to be worse. She has actually gotten so much better. If you remember, she has always been the protector of Treat. When I got these two, Treat was very sick. I won’t go back into all the details, but Spam is her sister and she was very protective of her. Now she just steals her food and is sometimes mean to her. Probably like all siblings. Here lately when petting Treat or Gus, Spam will lunge at me and try to bite me. Luckily I’m pretty quick and she has not bit me in that manner yet. What I realized yesterday is that she is jealous. If she lunges at me while I am petting one of the other ones, then immediately start to pet her, she calms way down. She is starting to enjoy being petted and is becoming jealous. They are all that way though. At least I am figuring that out and am giving her more attention now. Hopefully that will help her not to be so aggressive. I think she might have finally realized that she is in her forever home and I am not going to hurt her. It has taken almost 6 months for her to realize this. I know she was scared when I first got her and she has just been in survival mode but now she is relaxing, finally.

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