Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Got home late tonight and it is starting to get dark earlier. The fall and winter months are not going to be good for me or my animals. It was dark before I got finished so I had to finish in the dark and it started raining. Yuck. These babies are worth it though. Cracker Jack is still mad at me and won’t have anything to do with me. The goats run to me like they haven’t seen me in a long time. Little toots. They are funny. The little pigs are still nervous of me since Bacon bit had to go to the vet. That was a fiasco for sure. She is staying as far away from me as possible. I thought things were looking up there, too, but I was wrong. She was going to let me touch her nose, but she faked me out and ran off. On to the big pigs. I gave them good stuff tonight. Actually all of the animals got good stuff tonight. Anyway. So I gave them a smaller portion of feed and added broccoli, grapes, yogurt, and lettuce. They love stuff like that. I wish I had pics of this, but I don’t. I was able to kinda toss the grapes to the big pigs and they would catch it to eat it. They missed some but they caught a lot, too. I had so much fun doing this. Treat was trying to jump while catching them!! Oh, they do something everyday that just has me cracking up. Spam even participated which doesn’t happen much. She caught some grapes even!! I love these guys and their personalities!! It’s amazing how smart they are.

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