Saturday, August 10, 2019

I’m going to tell on myself in this post. I’m not sure if I should but I’m going to. You can laugh at me because I definitely laughed at myself. So, I’m out in the little pig pen feeding and filling up water bowls. This was a few days ago. I knew a storm was rolling in because it was so windy and the weather was cooling off. I usually hang out in there for awhile since I’m still trying to socialize them. They truly are stubborn and now that there is 4 of them in that pen, it’s worse. They are so funny about it, too, but that’s a story for a later date. I need to back up and say this. The pen is not put together well where the gate is. The gate is a mess and isn’t working well, so I use a bungee cord and a pallet up against the gate so the little pigs can’t get out. I’m out in the pen doing my normal stuff and all of a sudden a big wind came by. I had stuck the pallet over by the tree not far away. The wind blew the pallet down. Not just down but it actually was blocking the gate. Now if you know me, I’m sure you know a thousand things were going through my head. I was trying to find an escape route. The pallet was literally blocking the only entrance. It was at an angle that I wasn’t sure if I could get out without breaking the gate. I finally decided to try to push it out of the way and deal with the gate later if it broke. Not sure what I would have done to fix it since I was the only one there. I started pushing on the gate and the pallet finally moved out of the way. It was really a night for sure but all is well. I obviously got out and the pigs stayed in and the gate didn’t break.

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