Monday, August 19, 2019

I should have posted this awhile back but I have so many stories on a daily basis, I have a list of things I haven’t talked about so I don’t forget. This is on that list. I ended up with a bunch of expired not long ago baby food that was going to be thrown away. I brought it home and decided I would give it to the pigs. I’m weird about it but I thought I would try it. Oh my goodness!!!! Those babies ate it up, fought over it and waited for more. All 7 of them went nuts. When they smell it, the little ones scream, Treat whines, Spam grunts and Gus bruises my legs. They want it now. Don’t want to wait to get it in the bowls. They get sticky from it because they can’t wait to get in it and they literally get in it. They all have to be sprayed off after eating that stuff. The little ones will even eat off of a spoon to get more and stick their head in the bowl I mix it in when all the food is gone from their bowls. Guys, they don’t do this over all food.

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