Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Awhile back I was out in the little pig pen. I’m not usually one that freaks out about bugs and stuff. Just snakes. Well, I was sitting on top of one of the doghouses. All of a sudden something falls on my arm. It was a fuzzy white caterpillar. I didn’t think much of it at the time, I just picked it up and got it off of me. It took a bit because that thing was really stuck on my arm. A little later I was still in the pen and I started feeling really bad. My arm was burning horribly. I decided to go in and take a shower. By this time I was feeling really weak and almost scared to get in the shower since I was home alone. I went ahead and took the shower. By now I’m having a little trouble breathing. I took some Benadryl and went to lay on the couch. I probably should have gone to the hospital but I didn’t. I sure did a lot of praying that night. My arm still hurt for several days afterward and I had a big red spot and a rash on the arm. That was a terrible night. But, I made it through. I’m learning that having a farm isn’t for the weak.

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