Monday, August 12, 2019

I’ve been putting this post off for some reason. I don’t like snakes at all but I live in the country so I know they are there. I rarely see any but one night, I was going to do my last check on all the animals. I’m not sure what made me stop, I always take the same route to the pens. But, for some reason, I stopped dead in my tracks and looked down to see a snake looking up at me. I jumped back, probably faster than I’ve ever moved in my life. Then I stood there to get a picture. What was I thinking?? I know we have had a lot of rain and that’s what is bringing them out. It was about halfway between the house and pens. I took a different route the next few days. I also saw one at the beginning of summer close to the kennel where the pigs were at the time. We had to get rid of it because the dogs wouldn’t leave it alone. A few days after that I found snake skin up in the kennel which scared me but I had 4 pigs in there at the time. I haven’t gone in there since I got them out because I’m so nervous. I have also seen a crazy number of frogs this summer. Several dead in the pig pool, my pool, in the pig pen, up by the house, etc. I’ve never seen so many frogs in my life. I also rescued a lizard from the pig pen. It was hiding under the water bowls and I knew it wasn’t safe. I’m not big on reptiles but frogs don’t bother me. I tried to rescue one out of the pig pool and finally succeeded but it didn’t want out of there.

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