Saturday, August 17, 2019

It’s been so hot today, the animals have been miserable. Went out to feed earlier and the goats and donkey ate but they were slow about it because of the heat. Gave them fresh water and they drank it up. Not all of it, of course but they were excited about it. They don’t like to get sprayed down so I don’t spray them to cool them off. Now, the pigs. In both pens the water was almost gone. I’m sure they were actually laying in the bowls in the little pigs’ pen. The other pen, the pool still has water in it, but the actual water bowl was almost empty. That tells me that they were miserable today in the heat. Bacon bit was so hot she was throwing up after eating. I did spray them down with water to cool them off. Poor little things. I gave them all fresh water so that should help, too. I do that everyday but these hot days it’s really important. I’m ready for cooler weather, not cold just cooler.

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